Calendar 2016


  • Start moving my emergency fund (money sitting in the bank) into bonds: invest €2K in bonds (€2K-€6K missing till 12/31/16).
  • Set up an interest bearing account (current interest at less than 1%) with the security deposit from RP#1.


  • File taxes (2015).
  • Cancel my rental contract (3 months beforehand) as I will be traveling for 2 months and thus I can save two months of rent – will have to look for a new room, though.


  • Move €1K more into the emergency fund (in the form of bonds). Still €1K-€5K missing till 12/31/2016.
  • Set up a compound interest bearing account (probably in the form of a retirement plan account) to use in 4 years (2020) as a down payment of a new condo. I should have €6K in 2020, so I will start with 500€ and make 4*12=48 monthly installments of €100.
  • Visit prospect properties across the country.


  • Buy Rental Property #2.
  • Move more funds (€1500) from the emergency fund to bonds from the Portuguese government (liquid bonds), and match that value up to a total of €6K-€8K.